Just a mom with some power tools

Category Demo

Wind happens, let’s build a fence: Demo, planning, and layout

In the middle of remodeling my bathroom, I’ve already had a lot of the unexpected occur. On top of the surprises a remodel brings, we have all been dealing with our lives changing due to the virus, and now I… Continue Reading →

The unexpected DIY electrical work

After creating my plan for the shower and tub, I started cutting the drywall to make room for the cement board and I noticed a problem. The light switch was right next to where the shower wall will end. Additionally,… Continue Reading →

Hey Siri, remove my wallpaper and carpet…please? Just this once?

Now that the brown toilet is gone (hallelujah!), I can remove the carpet, and as much as I hate to say it, its time for the wallpaper. I am a master procrastinator, and I recently realized to what extent. Instead… Continue Reading →

How to remove a brown toilet from your life.

Now that the bathtub and shower are out, its time to finally do something I know how to do. I want to savor this moment because there will be very few like this. Yes, it is time, the brown toilet… Continue Reading →

Alexa, how do you remove a shower with a sick kid?

After removing the Jacuzzi tub, I was feeling cautiously optimistic about the shower removal… Then my 7-year-old got strep. I went into this knowing I had to juggle my mommy duties with everything else, but it sucks and its hard…. Continue Reading →

Okay Google, How do You Remove a Jacuzzi Tub?

I want to preface this post by reiterating that I have no idea what I am doing. I am learning as I go. So I figured I should just jump into it and instead of removing wallpaper this week, I… Continue Reading →

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