I really, really, really, really don’t want to remove the wallpaper. I would rather take both of my young children to IKEA …on a Saturday… when they are sick than remove all of the wallpaper. Just a reminder, here is what it looks like…

and another…

I have removed wallpaper once in my life and vowed never to do it again, yet, here we are…
I wanted to see if I can prime and texture the existing wallpaper to avoid the whole removal process, so I tried it in the toilet room first to see if it would work. It’s a small area, so it’s worth a shot!
First I patched every seam with wall patch.

Then I primed the walls.
And finally I textured the walls using a few cans of spray texture.

It looks good for the most part; however, there are a few areas where the wallpaper is bubbling out. I tried to get a picture, but it was hard to capture.
After seeing that and looking at the integrity of the wallpaper in the main bathroom, I know I have to do it the right way and remove all of the wallpaper. UUUUHHHGGGG!
Next up… Wallpaper removal!