I want to preface this post by reiterating that I have no idea what I am doing. I am learning as I go. So I figured I should just jump into it and instead of removing wallpaper this week, I am going to remove the giant brown Jacuzzi tub that whispers to me every time I enter that room. “I am still here”, it taunts.
I know my girls will be sad to see it go. It is one of the reasons they thought moving into this house would be so cool. The first week we moved, I tried giving the kids a bath thinking it would be kind of fun. When the bath water was just below the jets, the hot water ran out and that was the end of the fun. Right then I decided it was one of the first things that needed to go.
Here is the beast…

I started by removing the wood paneling to come up with a plan of attack. A bit of tile smashing and a LOT of prying later, I was in!
Next I tackled the tile bench using the same methods.

The frame was built into the wall so I had to remove the tile and the cement backerboard to get down to the studs. I found this video to be most helpful!
More prying and smashing later, I got to this point.

I was ready to destroy the final wall, however, I needed to shut off the water. I had a few problems with this.
- Our water shutoff is forever away.
- I usually have 2 to 3 hours chunks to work before I have to shuttle the kiddos around.
I made the decision to call a plumber to cap the water lines so I didn’t have to run back and forth shutting off the water every time I started my work. The water lines were already exposed, so it was super easy.

Now I could freely remove the faucets and hammer into the walls without the fear of causing a leak.
After removing the final piece of cement board, I was able to remove the frame and finally I could scoot the tub far enough to see where the electrical was located.

I ensured the breaker was off (the tub is on its own circuit) and tested it with a non contact voltage tester to make sure it was off, then cut the wire.
I needed my husband’s help to get the tub out, but the two of us were able to carry it out to the garage. It’s gone!!!! Thank the Lord!

Onto the brown Shower!